About Homeopathic Care
Homeopathy is a medical system developed in Europe over 200 years ago. Scientific evidence shows us the safety and effectiveness of homeopathic medicine for a variety of conditions. Homeopathy provides a “spark” that stirs the body’s own self-healing, and it can be used alone or with regular medical treatment. As a licensed Nurse Practitioner, I can help you with your regular medical treatment as well.
Realtime Schedule
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Treatment Design & Cost
The best use of alternative therapies such as homeopathic medicine lies in blending alternative with mainstream therapies. Your visit includes:
- Thorough medical and homeopathic evaluation
- Discussion of your options, conventional and alternative
- A personalized, holistic treatment plan
Want to see and/or print a copy of our brochure? CLICK HERE
Nutritional Supplements & Herbs
Nature has equipped us very well to live on the foods we eat. If you need supplements, I will make specific recommendations, and you can order professional-quality supplements at a reasonable price, shipped directly to your home. Click the Fullscript button to explore the store!